
In April of 2012, I made a decision that I wanted to get healthy, once and for all.  No more yo-yo dieting, no more restrictions, no more self-sabotaging behaviors…just a healthy lifestyle change, period!  This was a personal decision, but it was one made with the thought of the legacy I wanted to create and the authenticity I wanted to portray as “Inspired Sistah.”  If I was going to encourage women to truly “live on top of the world,” I needed to FULLY represent that in my life, as well. And that meant taking control of my physical health.  Teetering on high blood pressure, I knew as a nurse, that I needed to prioritize my health. But I was “busy” inspiring others. After all, wasn’t I “Inspired Sistah?” Fortunately, God was merciful and patient with me, loved me in my process and commissioned me to start Healthy Sistahs Rock, a health promotion movement dedicated to inspiring women to live healthy from the inside out.  Healthy Sistahs Rock is about so much more than physical fitness.  I believe that true wellness lies in being whole emotionally and spiritually as well as physically.  So, you will hear me often speak about the emotional & spiritual component of wellness because they can directly affect your physical outcome. 

Take a few minutes to explore the site.  I hope that you will find useful and relevant content to help you on your journey of total health and wellness.

Healthy Blessings,

Tangie Henry, RN
Certified Life Coach
Certified Personal Trainer